Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thinking about getting a new job? - Career blog - Position Ignition - leaders in career consulting, executive career change and job search

Thinking about getting a new job? - Career blog - Position Ignition - leaders in career consulting, executive career change and job search: "The shift from your current job that you may be comfortable in, to a brand new job is a significant transition. Once settled into one working environment, with colleagues you know and a working routine that you’re accustomed to, breaking out of that and making a change can be daunting.  That next, new job could be better or worse! It’s a bit of a risk but it can also be really exciting.  There are new colleagues to meet and get to know, a new working environment, structure and hierarchy.  The role is different and your responsibilities now for a different organization and in a different setting to the one before.  It’s a chance to start fresh and to break out of any moulds or pigeon hole that you may have been placed in before. It’s also a learning opportunity where you can gain new skills, develop and grow."

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