Tuesday, October 23, 2012

8 Things Not to Take to a Job Interview - Career blog - Position Ignition - leaders in career consulting, executive career change and job search

girl with shopping bags

8 Things Not to Take to a Job Interview - Career blog - Position Ignition - leaders in career consulting, executive career change and job search: "It’s easy enough to remember what we need when we’re going to a job interview: map, contact numbers, travel pass etc.—but what about the things we should leave at home?

1. Big Jewellery

That knuckle ring or huge, chunky neck chain might by your favourite accessory, but in this context, less is more. Statement jewellery makes your outfit look less professional and also detracts attention away from you as a person.

2. Open Packet of Food/Can of Drink

Yes, believe it or not, job seekers have been known to stroll into the interview room with an open packet of crisps or can of coke on the go.

Do you really think it’ll be ok to just sit there sipping or munching away whilst the interviewer asks you questions and you answer them? It’s not going to happen. A bottle of water may be acceptable for hydration purposes, but not your whole packed lunch."

'via Blog this'

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