Thursday, July 9, 2015

BCS Overland Park Kansas Launches New Website

BCS Overland Park Kansas announced today that they have launched a new website,, featuring employment and job search related news. The purpose of the site is to showcase current news and events about the company, employment news, press releases and other job search information.
BCS in Overland Park says they get complaints from time to time that there is not enough of this type of information available. According to a spokesperson for BCS, the website was also born out of a need to better inform the public about their firm.    BCS says, “This site will provide important news, surveys, and executive search information.”
Plans to launch similar informational sites are in the future as demands arise. The BCS spokesperson said, “We sometimes hear that people would like to learn more about us. Being a regionally based firm, we don’t have the national recognition of some other firms.” BCS feels that their regionally based business model is their strength since the majority of job seekers who come to them are looking for employment in the Kansas City area.
The new site does not replace their main website for BCS Kansas. That site is to remain their primary web portal for both new and existing clients.
BCS Overland Park provides search assistance to executives in career transition, using a combination of state of the art technology and proven techniques that surpass typical recruiting methods.
To learn more about BCS in Overland Park Kansas, visit their website at

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