Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ask the Headhunter: The Right Way to Search for Jobs When Unemployed | The Business Desk with Paul Solman | PBS NewsHour | PBS

Ask the Headhunter: The Right Way to Search for Jobs When Unemployed | The Business Desk with Paul Solman | PBS NewsHour | PBS: "Nick Corcodilos is an expert on how to get a job. We ran into him while doing a story on the relative futility of Internet job boards and asked him to post his own job search secrets. It became a palpable hit, so we asked Nick if he wouldn't mind taking some questions from our readers. It turns out that in addition to giving interviews to PBS, Nick hosts a website called, and publishes a free weekly -- the Ask The Headhunter© Newsletter.

UCD (Under-employed and Clinically Depressed): Having survived clinical depression after the loss of my near-six-figure job in early 2009, and successfully (actually, luckily) almost a year-and-a-half later, I still battle many prejudices in the employment game. Each year I gain more confidence that I can overcome them one-by-one, but recent developments in one area leaves me so horrified, I may have to find therapy for my therapist. Tough as she is, I don't think she'd believe me."

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